The high cost of an "independent blood test" in Fayette County effectively denied driver h
DUI suppression case dealing with implied consent and due process violation of arresting officer. Access to exculpatory evidence denied.

A trial lawyer's prayer.
Trial Advocacy and litigation skills from one of the greatest litigators in American jurisprudence

Medical experts should be "parallel licensed" in Kentucky.
Injured patient suffers at trial because the wrong medical expert was retained by counsel

Kentucky wisely rejects "wrongful birth" claims.
Wrongful birth litigants are denied cause of action in Kentucky tort law. Radiologist failed to diagnose birth defect, loss of abortion rig

Court of Appeals gets DUI "operating case" right.
Wells motions just got a shot in the arm. Whether one was operating a vehicle is a totality of the circumstances and it includes the stated

Even more medical malpractice reported, this time from the Kentucky Supreme Court.
Medical experts can make or break your case. Make sure you hire the right expert. Plaintiff has case dismissed at trial because the failed

Personal injury lawsuit dismissed due to lawyer's error.
Trial lawyer fails to serve summons timely and client's case gets dismissed for failure to meet statute of limitations.

Doctor's "off-label use" of medical device required his patient's consent.
Medical malpractice case filed as a result of "off label" use of medical device and consent was not obtained for that purpose

Police Officer can be sued for injuries caused in high speed pursuit.
Police misconduct leads to negligence and personal injury claim as a result of high speed chase

Examining medical doctor who failed to report suspected child abuse was not able to later claim immu
Doctor sued for failure to report evidence of child abuse. Child dies as a result and MD claims immunity under the statute. Problem is immu